• Statements

    The FactsThe Facts

    The Facts

    Beyond crises, we are witnessing a sea change in our world.

    Across most of the planet, the modern world means magnificent promises of personal freedom, competition and productivity. But at the same time, it is provoking a reaction of rejection amongst those who blame globalization for violating their moral and religious principles, destroying cultural differences, devastating the natural world and turning social relations into a commodity.

  • Statements

    The FactsThe Facts

    The Facts

    Our political models are beginning to show their limitations.

    They are confronted by an erosion of state authority, open borders, the new economic realities and competing networks of every kind – cultural, religious, social, artistic – all of which are creating global dynamics far from the traditional geopolitics we were once familiar with.
    For the first time in history, we are living through not one revolution, but four simultaneously: the digital, biotechnology, robotic and nanotechnology revolutions. Given the extreme difficulty of regulating all of these in ways that allow us to extract maximum benefit for everyone, they are being experienced in today’s anxious world as both creators of progress and major risks for humanity.

  • Statements

    The ChallengesThe Challenges

    The Challenges

    Against this background, how can we begin to think about our future when our models for grasping its implications are being left behind by the speed of change?

    How can we convince political leaders to look beyond their election or re-election?

  • Statements

    Let's Break the rulesLet's Break the rules

    Let's Break the rules

    The House of the Rising Stars has been created with the aim of influencing and affecting the key policy and strategy decisions of governments and major international organizations, and establishing the first governmental ratings agency, in which ratings will be awarded by today’s Rising Stars.

    Established in Geneva, the Foundation is a non-profit organization recognized by the Swiss government for its Public Interest status. It is headed by an Executive Board of sixteen eminent personalities. The operational management team is based in Paris.